Road trip through Michigan -- one of the most beautiful states in summer, I'm convinced. :) Taken two weeks before I came to Biola in August of '08.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

A day of inspiration

Today, I must say, has been one of the loveliest of the semester so far.

Not even entirely sure how to articulate just why it was that way, except that God allowed me to capture the beauty of every moment of it.

I slept in -- definitely a much-needed bit of extra rest -- until 10:30 a.m. You have to understand how ridiculously late that is for me. Good thing I woke up in time for our weekly budget meeting!

Maybe it was talking to the L.A. Times reporter yesterday. Maybe it was encouragement I received from my boss. Maybe it was the lovely way the sun lavished its warmth on our campus. Maybe it was the way I was able to laugh until my sides hurt with dear friends. Whatever the case, I couldn't be happier to be alive.

I've been reflecting especially this week, for some reason, how drastically my life has changed in one year -- definitely for the better. New major. New job. New dorm. New friends (although I haven't forgotten the old ones :). New idea of what my future might look like. New purpose. New passion. Renewed relationship with my Savior.

A year ago, I wouldn't have imagined I'd have the life I do now. Now, I can't imagine life being anything else. 

I finally feel like I am exactly where God wants me. 

And it's the most beautiful, reassuring feeling in the world.

I don't know exactly what my future will be. I don't know what job I'll have when I graduate college 19 months from now. I don't know. I really don't. 

But God has brought me this far. His grace has proven Him to me time and time again. Even in the times when I haven't been seeking the Lord with my full heart and devotion -- even in times when I neglected Him, really -- He worked my pitfalls into his purposes.

Why He has blessed me with a life filled with such vision, purpose and love, I can't comprehend. 

But He has. 

So on those days when life seems less than certain, I'm going to trust. 

God has been so much more faithful than I deserve so far. So to Him I entrust my future.

In each and every day.

I've learned that giving my life to the Lord isn't just a one-time deal.

It's something that must be renewed continually, with each morning.

It's a matter of humility. Of surrender. Of admitting I can't get through even one day without my Savior at my side. Without the Holy Spirit's guidance. Without the Father's protection. 

Oh, but I could dwell for ages on the Lord's goodness this past year. And I will. :) But I can't keep writing every single thought that comes to mind.

I blame homework.

And the necessity of sleep.

Goodnight. :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

My first post!

Well, as a developing journalist and someone who loves to write, I find it ridiculous that I don't have a personal blog that I update on a somewhat-regular basis. 

This is, after all, the 21st century. 

So I shall use this space to record my thoughts, whether they be elaborate or brief, often or spaced out.

But not right now. It's 12:46 a.m. I've slept a total of (drumroll please) 10 hours since Sunday night. Journalism. Chimes. They're my life. And I blame them. :)

So goodnight, world of the Internet. 

Sleep beckons sweetly.